Welcome to laaraichi.com
Who are we
Computer programmer, webmaster and database administrator
Our mission
Realized the best jobs and projects to our clients
What we do
All works and services related to informatics
Our history
Holder of the BTS in computer development, BTS in Electronics (Automation) and qualification in Database Administration, and three years at the faculty Ibn Tofail of Kenitra “English section”, and with a professional experience of more than 23 years, my career has allowed me to acquire a perfect mastery of the computer development tool, and an excellent sense of organization allowing me to manage without difficulty many tasks, I have varied skills, including programming, web development , maintenance and computer networks.
Why choose us?
We offer the best designs available in the sector, and features as needed.
Always available to help you and answer your questions and requests.
Your projects will be completed as soon as possible and with the requested quality.
We offer you our services even after the delivery and the end of your project.
Do you want to start a project with us?
Available to answer your questions and requests.